vaccine clinic flyer blue yellow and white students on flyer getting vaccines qr code to schedule appt at alamance county health department and  information regarding times and places
green teal and yellow save the date for hms book fair march 8-14
different greens with a pic of sam and graham thanking them for national school counselor week
Middle school girl with text is your child ready? immunization requirements for 7th grade entry blue background
pink and red hearts for the booster dance flyer friday feb 9 from 4-6:30. Tickets are $5 and concessions will be sold.
blue and yellow poster with trumpet, music notes and music announcing the all district band members
back to school announcement for 6th and 9th grade orientation in aug 12-14 on a blue and yellow chalk board
purple teal and green writing listing the band students who made all county band
winter band and chorus concert, december 12 blue and white with snowflakes and snow
winter beginning band concert on blue flyer with instruments wednesday, dec 6 at 7pm
fall picture day with black and white camera on the bottom oct 13
yellow background with black computer image and letters. ABSS mobile learning handbook, fall 2023
teal flyer for spring chorus concert tuesday, may 23 in the hms cafeteria  with notes and stars
spring band concert with purple staff going veritical on page advertising  concert on Thursday, May 18 at 7. Free admission with details for band students.
Health Fair for Required Immunizations flyer including date, time, place, people in graphic and qr code to register with school logo blue background
ABSS Recruitment Fair Flyer, ABSS logo with teacher and 6 students  stating the date, time and place
spring flowers spring pictures from strawbridge studio april 5 school code