Dear B. Everett Jordan Elementary Family,
The Alamance-Burlington School System participates in the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program to fulfill North Carolina requirements related to monitoring lead in drinking and cooking water at public schools as mandated by North Carolina Session Law 2021-180. We would like to provide an update on our efforts to reduce and eliminate potential exposure to lead in water.
As part of this program, B. Everett Jordan Elementary completed water sampling from all drinking and cooking taps at our facility on 6/10/2024, including sink faucets, water fountains and all kitchen-area faucets for water used for cooking or drinking.
You can view the detailed results at the following link. Results may take a few days to display.
In short, once testing was completed and results analyzed by an outside firm, B. Everett Jordan Elementary had one water tap that tested above the state allowable level of 10 parts per billion. This fixture has been taken out of service while we implement corrective action. Additionally, for all water fixtures with lead levels below the state action level, we are practicing low-cost and no-cost clean water habits including only using cold water for drinking and cooking and cleaning and flushing water regularly to minimize potential exposure.
For more information on lead in water, check out this informational flier
Protecting the health and well-being of our children and staff is our top priority for Alamance-Burlington School System and we are committed to keeping you informed as we follow all state-mandated guidelines.
Thank you for your continued support for our schools. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Loretta Atkins, ABSS Director of Environmental Health & Safety, at 336-380-9758 or