Good Evening Gator Nation!
I want to remind all car rider families that we have two lines on campus. Grades K-2 student’s are dropped off and picked up in the front circle - entrance off Old Hillsborough Road. Grades 3-5 students are dropped off and picked up in the back circle - entrance off Hwy 119. If you are also dropping off a middle school student in the morning, please use the front (K-2) circle. Your middle school child can get to Hawfields much faster and they aren’t walking through the elementary school. If you have children who span both K-2 and 3-5, you may use the front car rider circle for both drop off and pick up.
Also, the morning car rider ends at 7:50AM for both circles. If you arrive on campus after 7:50AM you will have to park in the Garrett main parking lot, entrance off Old Hillsborough Road, and walk your child into the front office. Please be advised that afternoon car rider begins at 2:35PM when we dismiss and ends at 3:00PM as well.
As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please call the school.