STEAM Night/Bookfair is happening tonight from 6:30-8pm! We hope you will join us. Please enter the cafeteria to participate in the STEAM activities. The bookfair is in the library.
about 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
Just a reminder that tomorrow is STEAM night at AWE from 6:30-8! All STEAM activities are fun and free! We will also open the Bookfair during this time! We hope all of our Eagles will join us tomorrow night 10/6!
about 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
about 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
Today we continue our ABSS Difference Makers series highlighting a group of ladies who gather weekly to help some of our students in need. Check it out! #ABSSDifferenceMakers
about 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Parents, please remember that it is an Early Release day today. Students will be released at 11:30 this morning!
about 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
green alert symbol
Creative teaching & learning! Mr. Flack’s class at AW Elementary practiced what they’ve learned about units of measurement and writing with clarity by creating recipes for and then eating the perfect peanut butter sandwich. Some even included bacon and even hot sauce. 🤩
about 2 years ago, ABSS Public Information Office
student holding recipe and homemade peanut butter sandwich
student holding peanut butter sandwich as part of class exercise
student sharing peanut butter sandwich with hot sauce
students in class learning how to write recipes and units of measurement
2 Important AWE Reminders/Updates: 1) PTO t-shirt/sweatshirt orders are due tomorrow 9/9! 2) Our school fundraiser started today. All Eagles should be coming home with an information packet. Thanks for supporting our school.
over 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
If your child will attend our AM and/or PM Eagle's Nest program, please read the following reminders: Before School Care will open at 6:30 am each school day. Students attending this program should be escorted to the side steps/metal ramp to the left of the gym and signed in by his/her parent or guardian. Students should not be dropped off in the parking lot. If this happens, students may be dismissed from the program. We don't have staff available to supervise the parking lot. Morning daycare will end at 7:30 am. Students will watch a movie. They may bring a book to read or something to color if they choose to do so! Students arriving after 7:30 should come in through the normal K-1 or 2-5 car lines. After-School Care will begin at 2:45 pm. Students who attend this program will be dismissed from classrooms at 2:40 pm and will report to their assigned location (cafeteria, classrooms, or media center) to wait for Eagle’s Nest to start. All students will have the option to eat a snack provided by the school. However, a snack may also be sent from home (please no peanuts/peanut butter as we have students with allergies!) Students will stay with their assigned K-1, 2-3 or 4-5 cohorts the entire time and will participate in activities both in their assigned location and outside. Eagle’s Nest will end at 5:45 pm each school day. All PM students will now be picked up at the main entrance. Adults should ring the bell, state your name and who you are coming to pick and then wait outside the main entrance or in the air-lock area and should not enter the main hall. Please also make sure you are prompt and do not arrive after 5:45. *It is imperative that all students be picked up by parents/emergency contacts no later than 5:45 pm. Parents will be charged an additional dollar/per minute after 5:45. All students must be checked out by their parent or guardian when picked up from Eagle’s Nest. If you have any questions about our Eagles Nest program related to fees/registration, please reach out to Mrs. Rushin in the front office: If you have any questions about the programming/discipline, please reach out to Mrs. Keenan (formerly Blanchard):
over 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
Here are our AWE Updates for the week of 8/29! We are looking forward to a great 1st week of school!
over 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
Go and grow logo with tree
We're thrilled to announce the new app for ABSS! It's everything ABSS, in your pocket. 

 Download for Android
 Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, James Shuler
Graphic with a smartphone showing the ABSS mobile app feed, events, and buttons at the bottom and the text "It's everything ABSS, in your pocket.".
We are so excited to welcome our Eagles back to the nest to begin the 2022-2023 school year! You should have received a welcome letter in the mail with key information. Click here:
over 2 years ago, Principal Westmoreland
Go and Grow theme symbol for AWE
ABSS has a new website & mobile app. You may need to update your bookmarks if you're getting an error message. Check out the new site using the link below and be sure to download our mobile app on Google Play or the Apple App Store.
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Graphic announcing new website and mobile app.
We’re encouraging all families to complete an online lunch application for this school year. School breakfast this year will cost $1.50. Lunch is $2.60. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, households must complete the application.
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
school lunch graphic spelling out the words school lunch in magnetic letters