Budget Hearing
Dr. Fleming introduced the Superintendent's proposed budget. Mr. Messer reviewed the $5,720,000 expansion budget request, and Mr. Hook reviewed the Capital Outlay and Capital Improvement Plan budgets. There were ten public comments.
Regular Meeting
Consent Agenda
Three items were listed on the consent agenda for approval:
Purchase of a refrigerated box truck for School Nutrition
Three gifts to the district totaling $4,138.45
Two field trips for Southern and Western High Schools
The board approved the Consent Agenda unanimously.
Board of Education Business
Board members discussed the 16 letters of interest received for the board seat vacancy. The letters are available as an attachment to the meeting agenda. The term for the vacant seat expires in November 2026. Next steps to fill the vacancy include an opportunity for each of the interested parties to speak at an upcoming meeting on April 28. Each candidate will have 3 minutes to speak following the public comment portion of the meeting. The Board may decide to take a vote at that meeting or delay the vote until a future meeting.
Superintendent/Finance/Human Resources
Dr. Fleming and Mr. Messer presented an overview of the 2025-2026 local current expense expansion budget totaling $5,720,000. It includes:
Employee Benefits cost increases - $250,000
Supplement increase (CY & next) - $1,750,000
Operating expense increases - $850,000
Certified Staff additions - $1,250,000
Classified Employee Supplement - $1,100,000
Charter Schools - $520,000
Additionally, Mr. Hook shared information on the comprehensive capital improvement financial plan totaling $87,277,647 for fiscal years 2025-2030. This five-year plan addresses infrastructure needs across the district, including HVAC system replacements, roof renovations, technology upgrades, and safety improvements.
The Board approved the proposed budget unanimously. Visit the Budget and Finance Dashboard for more information.
Mr. Hook and Mr. Frye presented three items for the Board’s consideration.
An amendment to the existing design services contract with REI Engineers for Western Alamance High School. The value of the amendment is $57,340.
A roofing contract for Owens Roofing, Inc. for roof replacement at Eastern Alamance High School. The value of the contract is $3,121,739.
A new 3-year Wide Area Network Service Agreement. 100% of the funding for the Wide Area Network Service is provided by eRate/USAC and the state of NC. Through competitive procurement, Spectrum was selected for this service.
The board approved all three items unanimously.
Personnel Report
Ms. Anderson presented the personnel report for approval. The report was approved unanimously.