Board of Education News March 11, 2025

Summary: The Board of Education discussed filling a current vacancy, reviewed the 2025-2026 budget proposal totaling $59,047,510 with expansion funds of $5,720,000, and approved calendar revisions due to inclement weather. They also received updates on first semester performance, approved lawn mowing service contract amendments, accepted several grants and donations for schools, and reviewed information about upcoming field trips and the purchase of a refrigerated box truck for School Nutrition.

Vacancy Announcement

Board members discussed next steps to fill the current vacancy. The board agreed to post the vacancy with a deadline for submissions on Friday, March 21. Letters of interest should be sent to Karen Chandler. The vacancy will be on the ABSS website and shared with the public.

Superintendent/Finance/Human Resources

Mr. Messer presented the 25-26 budget priorities, funding sources, budgeting factors, and highlights of the draft budget, including a $5,720,000.00 expansion budget for a total budget request of $59,047,510.00. Additionally, Mr. Hook presented proposed budgets for Capital Outlay needs and Capital Improvement Plans through year 29-30. This includes plans for roofing, HVAC, technology, and school safety that allow the district and county to plan for larger projects.

All attachments presented have been included on the online Budget and Finance Dashboard. The Board of Education will host a public hearing for the budget at 6:00 pm on March 24.


Ms. Johnson provided an update on the first semester in ABSS. The update included information on attendance, discipline, and academic outcomes for elementary, middle, and high school students.

A revised 2024-2025 school calendar was approved by the Board. The revisions are a result of inclement weather and include:

  • February 28 was changed from a workday to a student day

  • June 6, the last day of school, will be a full day for students

  • June 16 and 17 (traditional) and May 28 and 29 (Early College) will be optional teacher workdays in order to meet the requirements by the state for 10-month certified employees (the state requires 215 days of employment for 10-month certified employees)

District messaging about the updated 24-25 calendar will go out to all families and staff this afternoon.

An update on the 2026-2027 school calendar was provided. The Board received data from the recent survey, which had 3,497 responses. 61% of respondents preferred the option to return to school earlier than the state law allows. This presentation was informational only and the board will make a vote on the 2026-2027 at a future meeting.

The Board received information on two upcoming field trips for Southern High School and Western High School. These items will be added to the consent agenda at the March 24 meeting.

Student Services

Dr. Davis presented two grants recently awarded to ABSS staff:

  • Shavon Via was a recipient of DKG's Delta Beta 2025 Novice Teacher Grant in the amount of $200.00. Funds will be used to create a garden for students at E.M. Holt Elementary School.

  • Shavon Via received a grant from Burrows Welcome in the amount of $3,000.00. Through this grant project, students will learn how renewable energy and agriculture work together, exploring the science and mathematics behind energy production, climate control, and efficient farming practices.

Additionally, Dr. Davis presented three gifts. The gifts will be included in the consent agenda at the March 24 meeting:

  • A+ School of North Carolina is gifting $1,200.00 to North Graham Elementary. Funds will be used to provide an integrated arts experience for students and staff.

  • Phillips Chapel Church has donated $1,870.00 to Alexander Wilson Elementary School. Funds will be used for lunch debt and other student-centered expenses.

  • Mebane Presbyterian Church has donated $1,068.45 to South Mebane Elementary School for lunch debt.


Mr. Hook provided information about the purchase of a refrigerated box truck to be used by School Nutrition. The refrigerated box truck will be used for safely transporting USDA refrigerated and frozen commodities. The cost of the purchase is $148,703.16 (including tax) from Piedmont Truck Center. This item will be moved to the consent agenda at the March 24 meeting.

The Board approved an amendment to an existing school site lawn mowing service contract with Timco Enterprises. The value of the amendment is $18,900. The addendum takes the value of the contract to $112,900.

Personnel Report

Ms. Anderson presented the personnel report for approval. The report was approved unanimously.