RFP Request for Proposal Insurance Policies

Document download: https://5il.co/39k7u

March 5, 2025

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS / PROPOSERS: Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS) reserves the right to disqualify incomplete proposals, waive minor defects, as it deems applicable, in the written proposals, to request additional information from any respondent, change or modify the scope of the project at any time, without any penalty, negotiate terms with one or more of the respondents, reject any or all proposals, without a penalty, and take any steps necessary to act in ABSS’s best interest. Proposals will not be considered for award if received by Alamance-Burlington School System after the official closing date and time.


Alamance-Burlington School System

Insurance effective periods July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026

The Alamance-Burlington School System is seeking an offer to provide Property/Equipment Breakdown/Inland Marine, Crime, Workers’ Compensation, Automobile Insurance, Umbrella and Cyber Insurance in accordance with the specifications outlined in this solicitation. Any limitations, deviations, or broader coverage should be clearly explained in the offeror’s proposal.

Schedule of Activities

Listed below are the planned activities with dates pertaining to this solicitation.  All information is subject to change.  Changes will be communicated to prospective Offerors via an Amendment to the solicitation as necessary.

Activity Date

Issue Date           March 5, 2025

Deadline for Questions           March 31, 2025

Sealed Proposals Due           April 9, 2025

Selection Complete           April 11, 2025

Insurance Company Eligibility

Each insurance company proposed by the offeror’s proposal must have at least an AM Best Rating of A-, have a stable outlook, and be licensed to do business in the state of North Carolina.  This information along with the AM Best financial size rating and full name of the insurance company should be contained in the proposal.  In the event the offeror is a risk sharing pool or insurance trust, the entity’s latest audited financial statement must be included in the proposal.

The address: 1712 Vaughn Road, Burlington, NC 27217.

All questions and concerns should be sent via email to jacob_countiss@abss.k12.nc.us.

Responses and/or questions should be sent to this email with “2025-26 ABSS Insurance Proposal” as the subject line. The deadline for questions is March 31, 2025 at 4:00 PM. Any responses will be sent to all vendors that are included in the email list. If you choose to be part of the email response list, please email the above email address with “2025-26 ABSS Insurance Proposal” on the subject line. 

The winning proposal will be chosen on its merit consisting of cost, carrier’s reputation, references, prior experience insuring school districts, claim service and the best all-around interest to the Alamance-Burlington School System.

The Alamance-Burlington School System reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal which appears to be in the best interest of the district, even if the proposal is not the lowest. The Board reserves the right to waive any formalities in, or reject, any or all bids or any part of any proposal. Any proposal may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of the proposal. Any proposal received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. The Board also reserves the right to negotiate with a carrier when all proposals exceed the budgeted appropriation.