Consent Agenda
Two items were listed on the consent agenda for approval:
Future board meetings beginning in March 2025 will start at 6:00 pm instead of 6:30 pm.
Every five years, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction requires a facility needs survey from all school districts. The next survey will be due in mid-2025. The district will work with BAISCA and use $27,425.00 from local funds.
Board of Education Business
Ms. Ellington-Graves reminded everyone of the upcoming budget hearing on March 24 at 6:00 pm.
Additionally, she read a resignation letter from Board Member Chuck Marsh. Mr. Marsh, elected in 2022, has resigned effective immediately. The Board of Education will discuss the next steps for the vacant seat at their next work session.
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Two Southeast Alamance students have been awarded Silver Keys in the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Ava Garner and Jesus Cruz join this esteemed group of Scholastic Awards alumni.
Ava's piece, "Connected Creation," is part of her sustained investigation into the human race and our place in the universe.
Jesus's work, "Epsum," explores the idea of people as shadowy figures, comparing them to bugs under an upturned rock.
Swimming State Championship
Southern Alamance freshman Madisyn Upton competed in the NCHSAA 3-A State Championship and won the 200 IM event, setting a lifetime best of 2:08.38. It was quite a state championship debut for the freshman, as she added a second individual win in the 100 butterfly and is now a two-time 3-A State Swimming Champion.
Beginning Teacher Recognition
Representatives from the North Carolina Center for Advancement in Teaching presented DeAnna Tyson, 7th Grade Math Teacher at Western Middle School, a plaque for her recognition as a North Carolina Beginning Teacher of the Year Finalist. She was also presented with a $250 check from Empower. Ms. Tyson will continue to the state competition.
Retirement Recognition
Ms. Ellington-Graves recognized Todd Fitch with the Technology Department on his retirement. Last night was Todd's last BOE meeting.
Superintendent/Finance/Human Resources
Dr. Fleming and Mr. Messer presented an overview of the 2025-2026 local current expense expansion budget totaling $6,493,500. It includes:
Employee Benefits Cost Increases - $1,000,000
3%-4% salary increases
2% increase in retirement benefits
Approximately $300 per employee increase in medical
Supplement Increase (Current Year & Next) - $2,500,000
Catch up supplement to the current year (25-26)
24-25 supplement frozen at the 23-24 rate
Operating Expense Increases - $850,000
Worker's compensation insurance
Property insurance
Financial software upgrades
Utility cost increases
Need for contracted services in maintenance, custodial
Certified Staff Additions - $1,500,000
Assistant Principals - $125,000 per addition
Instructional Support (Guidance, social worker, nurses, etc.) - $100,000 per addition
Charter Schools
11% increase on any county appropriation - $643,500
Additionally, Mr. Messer shared a proposal for a classified supplement. The proposal includes a 1% increase for years of service, starting with 3-5 years and going up to a 10% increase with 30+ years of service.
The ABSS cost of the supplement would be $1,200,000. The Board requested additional options for a classified supplement at the upcoming work session.
More details will be shared at the next BOE meeting. The Board of Education will hold a public hearing for the budget on Monday, March 24 at 6:00 pm.
An update on the 2026-2027 school calendar was provided. The board had previously asked for staff to begin drafting calendars on a two-year cycle. Both options have been shared publicly so the district can gather feedback to present at the next work session. Staff can share their input through the calendar survey. Families are encouraged to participate and share their feedback as well.
Student Services
The Board approved three donations to the district:
Southern Alamance High School Athletics Department has received a donation from Canfor Southern Pine, Inc. of $2,500.00 to be used as needed.
Hawfields Middle School has received a donation of $1,000.00 from All for Lunch. Funds will be used for cafeteria fees.
E.M. Yoder Elementary has received a donation from E.M. Yoder P.T.A. of $4,000.00 to be used for student needs.
The Board approved the technology department's request for upgraded network equipment. The contract vehicle for the purchased equipment is the NCDPI State Master Contract: 40-RQ22294323. The district will be reimbursed by eRate and the state for all costs except $16,265.80 of program ineligible costs. Those ineligible costs will be budgeted with technology funds allocated for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
Personnel Report
Ms. Anderson presented the personnel report for approval. The report was approved unanimously.