Board of Education Work Session June 11, 2024

Board of Education Work Session
June 11, 2024

Superintendent Search 

Board members went into closed session to discuss the superintendent search process in advance of the regular work session.

Classified Deficit Reduction Plan (Vote) 

Yolanda Anderson, Executive Director of Human Resources, shared the draft classified deficit reduction plan as part of the proposed 2024-2025 budget which includes a reduction of 2 half-time middle school guidance office support positions (total of 7 positions impacted; 2 staff members chose not to accept a full time position within the district), and a reduction of months of employment for 3 additional classified positions (2 online facilitators out of a total of 10 facilitators) and 1 exceptional children's related services lead from 11 months to 10 months of employment. The plan was unanimously approved.

Alamance Juvenile Opportunity Bridge MOU (Vote) 

Superintendent Harrison presented a memorandum of understanding for ABSS to participate in the Alamance Juvenile Opportunity Bridge program for the 2024-2025 school year. The MOU is unchanged from the current school year and it was unanimously approved.

Eastern High Band Field Trip and Southern High FFA Field Trip (Vote) 

Chief Academic Officer Revonda Johnson presented 2 high school field trips for approval:

  • Eastern High band program is requesting to travel to perform at Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida and march in a parade in March, 2025.

  • Southern High FFA is requesting for club members to attend the annual North Carolina FFA leadership camp at White Lake, NC in July 2024. 

Both trips were unanimously approved.

Student Services Records Request Scribbles Price Increase

This proposal would begin July 1. The last time that prices were increased for student transcripts and other online student & staff records requests was in 2013. These online request price increases are in line with other districts.  This will be voted on at the June 24th Board Meeting.

B. Everett Jordan Elementary Roof Replacement Contract (Vote) 

Greg Hook, Chief Operations Officer, presented a contract for a replacement for the entire school roof with the exception of the 2007 addition for a total of $921,000. The work should be completed by the end of summer. The contract was approved unanimously.

Cummings High Bleachers Repair and Improvements Contract (Vote) 

Mr. Hook also presented a contract for $290,000 to repair/upgrade the football stadium bleachers. Existing visitor bleachers were donated by Duke University approximately 40 years ago. The longevity of this repair is estimated to be 20-40 years with additional drainage repair. The contractor plans to complete the project in time for fall football season. The contract was approved unanimously.

Copier Contract (Vote) 

Dennis Frye, Executive Director of Technology, presented for board approval a new contract with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for copiers and printers for the district to include a 5 year lease. The district completed a formal RFP: $60,000 per month currently; new contract approximately $43,000 maximum. District currently has approximately 670 devices; the new contract will provide about 400 devices. The contract was approved unanimously.

Personnel Report (Vote) 

Yolanda Anderson presented the June 11, 2024 Personnel Report for approval. The report was unanimously approved.