Nurse Kelly Corum holding a plaque and flowers in front of a tree and Alexander Wilson Elementary

Kelly Corum, the dedicated school nurse at Alexander Wilson Elementary, has been honored with the title of ABSS School Nurse of the Year. This prestigious award recognizes Corum's unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of the school's students and staff.

Principal Ashley Westmoreland nominated Corum for the award, praising her exceptional qualities and tireless efforts. "Kelly approaches each situation with empathy and proficiency. Her ability to provide immediate medical assistance while simultaneously offering comfort and reassurance is truly commendable," Westmoreland stated.

Corum's dedication extends beyond treating scraped knees and addressing chronic illnesses. She has been instrumental in promoting preventative care and healthy lifestyle habits within the school community. Through educational initiatives like the growing up class for 5th graders and proactive health screenings, including multiple dental van opportunities, Corum has empowered students and staff to prioritize their health.

Westmoreland emphasized the significant impact Corum has had on the school, saying, "By fostering a culture of wellness within our school, Kelly plays a pivotal role in promoting long-term health outcomes for our students."

The Alexander Wilson Elementary School community is proud to have such an exceptional school nurse in Kelly Corum. Her recognition as ABSS School Nurse of the Year is a testament to her hard work, expertise, and genuine care for the well-being of others.

As the school celebrates this achievement, Corum remains focused on her mission to provide the highest quality of care and support to the students and staff at Alexander Wilson Elementary.

Nurse Kelly Corum with district Student Support Services staffNurse Kelly Corum with Alexander Wilson Elementary principal and support staff