Environmental Inspectors conducting additional assessments at Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS) campuses discovered toxigenic mold at Cummings High School and Broadview Middle School. Remediation efforts are now underway at both schools.
The toxigenic mold found in multiple locations is called Chaetomium, which typically results from invasive water damage over time according to Inspectors.
ABSS has accelerated testing. As of this morning, most of the schools have been tested. The protocols are different for toxigenic mold which includes both cleaning and removing sheetrock, furniture, and other building materials impacted.
To date, two school have been remediated: Andrews and Newlin Elementary
More than 700 workers from Builder Services of NC started work Tuesday.
Remediation is currently underway at Broadview Middle, Cummings High School, Williams High School, Eastlawn Elementary, and Haw River Elementary.
Additional crews will be at the following locations later today:
- Western High
- Western Middle
- Southern Middle
- Sylvan Elementary
- Garrett Elementary
- South Mebane Elementary
- Eastern High School
Mold remediation will also be needed at E.M. Holt and Alexander Wilson.
The ABSS Board of Education, Alamance County Commissioners, and the County's state delegation will reconvene their joint meeting today (Wednesday, August 30 at 10am) at ABSS Central Services. The meeting, which is open to the public and live-streamed, will focus on additional funding options for remediation needs.