Graphic showing lockers opened and vandalized and text Senior Pranks Investigation Update

In an effort to continue our transparency, the ABSS Board of Education and Superintendent have made the decision to release photos provided during the recent vandalism and trespassing incidents on our campuses.

By sharing a sample of these images, we aim to provide the community with a view of the incidents that impacted our school facilities. The investigation is still ongoing which includes the total cost of destruction and employee hours. These “pranks” resulted in damages and a massive cleanup response by our staff. Some of the inside areas of our schools impacted by the vandalism included toilets, urinals, piping, hardwood floors, desks, furniture, and walls.

The School Board and Superintendent are committed to pursuing the necessary actions to hold the responsible parties accountable. ABSS will continue to ensure the safety and security of our educational environment and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.

Hallway Vandalism

Hallway Vandalism

Hallway Vandalism

Classroom Vandalism

Classroom Vandalism

Snapchat Image: Students Gaining  Entry via Roof

Snapchat Image: Damage to Hardwood  Floors in Gym + Cement in Toilet

Snapchat Image: Trespassing & Vandalism in Gym

Snapchat Image: Trespassing & Damage to Hardwood Floors in Gym

Animal Feces on Lawn

Moped on Roof

Traffic Barricade on Roof

Walls Egged

Walls Egged

Cement in Urinals

Cement in Toilets

Courtyard Vandalism

Dead Fish Inside & Outside Campus

Campus Vandalism

Moped on Roof

Graffiti on HVAC


Office Vandalism

Office Vandalism

Hallway Vandalism

Classroom Vandalism