ABSS Return to In-Person Learning Guidance Plan
Students in grades pre-K through 12th grade returned to in-person learning, five days a week beginning in August 2022 following a stint of A/B days for both elementary, middle and high in the spring of 2021.
Families who wanted to continue with remote learning were given the option. ABSS continues to offer its Virtual School for both elementary, middle, and high school students.
Safety Protocols
ABSS is committed to meeting the health and safety needs of our students/families and staff, therefore throughout the year we may need to adjust these guidelines if there are any recommended changes directed by NC DHHS, ACHD and the CDC
Our dedicated COVID information page remains active at: https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/page/covid-dashboard
ABSS Protocol for 2022 updated 8/26/22
ABSS will continue to collaborate with and report all positive cases of COVID-19 to the Alamance County Health Department (as required by NCGS § 130A-136)
ABSS will utilize NC DHHS Procedures for Response to COVID-19 Cases in K-12 School Schools, for managing students/staff that present with symptoms or report having COVID-19.
ABSS will continue to require students/staff that present with COVID-19 symptoms to stay home as outlined in the state guidance
Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19 will need to stay home to isolate for 5 days
Students and staff can return to school on days 6-10 (with mask)
Masks are currently optional in all ABSS facilities. However, if you test positive, you are required to remain home for at least 5 days and wear a mask for at least five days upon returning to school. Additionally those who have a mask exemption or can’t wear a mask upon returning will need to stay home for the full 10 days. Students will also be given an opportunity to make up any missed work as normal during an illness.
Masks are currently optional in all ABSS facilities, however it is recommended that those with a known exposure, wear a well fitting mask for 10 days from the last day of exposure, and that they get tested for COVID-19 around day 6. There are no quarantine requirements for those exposed, and not having symptoms.
If student or staff members are experiencing symptoms they should immediately isolate and get tested for COVID-19
ABSS will have COVID-19 testing for students and staff at Sellars Gunn Education Center on student days, see your school nurse for more information.
ABSS will be posting the CDC Community Level and total district numbers each Friday. ABSS lead nurse will monitor case numbers and collaborate with the Alamance County Health Department as needed for any signs of increased spread or clusters in our school community.
You can find more information about CDC community spread information and recommended steps at their website.
![Infographic with text Alamance-Burlington Schools In-Person Learning Guidance 💬 Instruction 😷 • All schools will offer full-time, in-person instruction, 5 days per week. • The Alamance Virtual School is the only option for remote learning. 📚 🏫 🍎 Health Protocols • Frequent hand-washing and hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the day. • Visitors and volunteers will be limited until further notice. Schedules and Calendars • Elementary schools will operate from 7:50am-2:35pm. • Graham, Hawfields, Turrentine, and Western Middle schools will operate from 8:30am - 3:30pm. Broadview, Woodlawn, and Southern Middle schools will operate from 8:45am - 3:45pm. • High schools will operate from 8:45am - 3:45pm and the Alamance Virtual School will operate from 8:30am - 3:30pm School Meals • We urge every family, regardless of income, to complete a USDA Lunch Application. Doing so can help schools receive federal money for programs that support and impact all students and high school students can receive benefits from College Board. Facilities and Cleaning • It is encouraged that all students and staff physically distance themselves to the extent possible. • Cleaning protocols will be coordinated around each school’s daily classroom routines. All custodial staff have completed training and will continue frequent daily cleaning of school buildings. District Response to Health Concerns • The health and safety of our students and staff is our first priority. ABSS will continue to review guidance set forth by the state of North Carolina and the NC Department of Health and Human Services with input from the Alamance County Health Department. • As new guidance becomes available, the district will review guidelines and prepare staff and facilities accordingly. The district will communicate any updated guidance or changes to staff, students, and families. • For current guidance for all North Carolina K-12 public schools, please review the StrongSchools NC Public Health Toolkit. Visit school websites for more information. 🗓AUG 23 Submit questions and feedback.](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/12423/file/1654307/fd8bbb5e-4a93-4a4b-8a3d-8fda41dd3d09.png)