In Your Classroom or Area
Students will:
Clear the hallways and remain in their classroom or designated area until the “All Clear” is announced.
Within the classroom or area, go about the class day as usual.
Adults will:
Close and lock the classroom door(s)
Take attendance of students and adults present
Go about the class day as usual

Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors
Students will:
Return to the inside of the building
Within the building, go about the class day as usual.
Adults and staff will:
Bring everyone indoors
Lock the outside doors
Increase situational awareness
Take attendance of students and adults
Go about the class day as usual

Locks, Lights, Out of Sight
Students will:
Move away from sight of windows and doors
Maintain silence
Not open the classroom or exterior doors
Adults and staff will:
Recover students from the hallway if possible
Lock the classroom door
Turn out the lights
Move away from sight of windows and doors.
Maintain silence
Not open the classroom or exterior doors
Prepare to evade or defend

To a Location
Students will:
Leave all belongings behind except for what is on your person.
If possible, bring their cell phone
Follow instructions given by adults and staff.
Adults and staff will:
Bring an attendance roll sheet and Go Bag (unless instructed not to bring anything with them, dependent on reason for evacuation.)
Lead students to evacuation location
Take attendance of students and adults
Report any injuries or problems using the Red Card/Green Card method.

State the Hazard and the Safety Strategy
Hazards might include:
Safety Strategies might include:
Evacuate to shelter area
Seal the room
Drop, cover and hold
Get to high ground
Students will:
Use Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
Adults and staff will:
Use Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
Take attendance of students and adults
Report any injuries or problems using the Red Card/Green Card method.

A critical aspect of crisis response is accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians in the event of a school crisis or emergency. The Standard Reunification Method provides school and district safety teams with proven methods for planning, practicing and achieving a successful reunification.
Lockdown Communication
During a school lockdown, official communication to families may be delayed to ensure safety. This timeline explains why immediate updates aren't possible and why unofficial sources might report the lockdown before the school district can. Families will receive accurate information as soon as it's safe to share.