23-24 School Nurse of the Year

CDC Respiratory Illness Guidelines - updated March 2024
NCDPI Healthy Schools
School nurses are an integral part of access to education and work to reduce and eliminate health related barriers to the education process for students. They promote health and safety, intervene with actual and potential health problems, provide case management services, and coordinate communication with families, appropriate school staff and the medical home or private healthcare provider.
School Nursing services include, but are not limited to:
Individual health care needs assessments for students
Health care plan development, revision and evaluation including Emergency Action Plans, Individual Health Care Plans and health related components of Individual Education Programs
Direct provision of nursing health care services
School staff instruction and supervision in provision of care for students with special health care needs
Instruction and oversight for medication administration processes in schools
Emergency and injury care, planning and training
Communicable disease control and outbreak response in schools
Assessment of school community health and safety issues
Student screening for conditions that impact access to education, such as vision screening
Member and resource for student assistance teams that develop health related student accommodations
Health related community resource liaison for schools

To optimize student health and learning by applying principles of school nursing.
School nurses will address physical and mental health barriers so that all students will be healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
Contact Us
Tammy Troxler, BSN, RN, NCSN
Student Services Health Lead
336-438-4000 ext. 37858

to Kelly Corum!

Becky Hudson
22-23 School Nurse of the Year