After last year’s district-wide cleanup, we have shifted from an emergency response to a proactive, ongoing maintenance plan. Our community invested heavily in our schools last year, and we owe it to everyone to be good stewards of that investment and continue the care of our facilities.
Key Points on Mold Maintenance
Mold Awareness: While it is impossible to completely eradicate mold, we are committed to addressing any concerns quickly before mold has a chance to grow. Please review the attachment to learn more about mold basics and our maintenance plan.
Ongoing Improvements: We continuously work to mitigate mold by improving facilities with roof repairs and replacements, HVAC systems improvements and repairs, and other facility projects.
Building Upkeep: This includes making sure we clean our facilities regularly, cleaning gutters to prevent water buildup, sealing and painting at both floor and ceiling levels, and conducting regular building walkthroughs by district staff and school administration.
Proactive Measures: Removing ceiling tiles in areas of potential growth, keeping interior doors open for better airflow, and placing dehumidifiers in key areas such as hallways are all part of our prevention efforts.
Current Challenges & Projects
Over the past year, we have gained valuable insight. Our goal is to keep all staff, community members, and key stakeholders informed about our ongoing efforts to maintain safe, clean facilities. These efforts include addressing mold, improving building conditions, and utilizing our resources responsibly.
While there are no specific state or federal regulations around mold in the workplace, we understand our obligation to provide a safe environment for both students and staff, and to be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars we receive.
While we are committed to addressing each suspected mold situation as it arises, we understand that some issues—like roof repairs and ground-level water intrusion—are more complex and may take time.

Remediation Archive
*Due to security concerns, floor plans from the reports have been redacted.