Header image with a pink hand print and yellow, green, and pink fingers with a white smiley face inside.  The text to the right says "Alamance-Burlington School System Kindergarten - Start Strong, Start Here" and the ABSS logo is in the bottom right corner

Kindergarten enrollment for 2025-2026 is now available!

We are committed to providing a foundation that will help our youngest learners build on their futures! If your student will turn 5 before August 31, 2025, they are eligible to enroll in ABSS for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please follow the steps below carefully to complete enrollment.

Step 1 - Gather information and documentation

Step 2: Enroll in ABSS Kindergarten

If your child is already in an ABSS Pre-Kindergarten program, the enrollment process is different than for children who are new to ABSS schools. Please select the appropriate option.

We are hosting a Kindergarten Registration Fair on March 8th, 9 AM to 12 PM at Holly Hill Mall in Burlington!

If you want to enroll at the fair, please bring all required documentation and information with you. To assist, we have created a document you can print. We look forward to seeing you and helping you enroll in ABSS Kindergarten!

Teacher wearing yellow pants and blue shirt, sitting in a white rocking chair,  points to the cover a children's book with students looking on the carpet

ABSS Kindergarten programs offer:

  • Integrated Technology Instruction, Laptops and iPads

  • Smartboards and Document Cameras in every classroom

  • National Standards for Reading and Math

  • National Standards for Science and Social Studies

  • Small Group Instruction in Reading and Math

  • Student Enrichment Opportunities

  • School Counselor

  • School Nurse

  • School Social Worker

  • Speech Therapy

  • Art Teacher

  • Academically Gifted Teacher

  • English as Second Language Teacher

  • Exceptional Children's Teacher

  • Health and Physical Education Specialist

  • Music Teacher

  • Certified Teacher in every classroom

A kindergarten student holds a blue brush and extends to dip it into some paints on a paper plate

Roadmap to the First Day

Step 1: Online registration is open.

Step 2: Save the Date for our Kindergarten Open House events! Every elementary school in the district will host an open house. Ask questions, meet staff, and learn more about your school and the fun your student will have learning in kindergarten. Staff will be there to assist families at the open house.

Step 3: Complete Enrollment

Step 4: Staggered Entry in August

Step 5: Welcome to Kindergarten!

Two kindergarten students work on a paper activity at their desks

Students who are ready to succeed in Kindergarten should:

  1. Know colors by name and be able to sort them: red, yellow, blue, black, green, orange, brown, purple, and white.

  2. Be able to identify the letters in his or her name in order and out of order.

  3. Be able to write at least his or her first name, starting with a capital letter and using lower case letters for the rest.

  4. Be able to orally count to 10.

  5. Be able to point to and count objects using one-to-one correspondence.

  6. Be able to recognize numbers from 1 to 5.

  7. Be able to tie his/her shoelaces.

  8. Be able to button, snap and zip his or her own clothing.

  9. Be able to sit quietly for at least 10 minutes (ex: looking at a book, listening to a story, drawing a picture).

Take a peek inside some of our Kindergarten classrooms!

Parent Resources

Visit each school website to learn more about what they have to offer!

Three Kindergarten girls looking down at their paper assignment while they hold a pencil at a small group table.  There is a green pencil pouch on the table with them.

Four kindergarten students standing on a carpet giving a thumbs up

A kindergarten girl in a white button up top and glasses smiles at the camera with an open picture book on her desk