Employee Evaluation
NCEES Support

Some staff have reported receiving the following error message when attempting to log in to NCEES/Truenorth Logic:
The system failed to log you in for the following reason: The login credentials you entered do not match the data in our system. Please verify your login information and try again.
Below are some steps you can try....
try clearing your cache (Click Here for directions if you need them).
add https://ncees.homebase.ncpublicschools.gov/ into your browser security settings as an approved location (Click Here for directions)
Below you will find resources to help you navigate NCEES. Please contact Dean Richardson in Human Resources if there are any resources you would like to see added. *** Reminder: NCEES containers must be "Locked" before their status reflects "Complete".
REMINDER: The following observation containers must be locked to edit the Summary Evaluation Form.

Plan Activities Completion Icon Key

Support Staff
Evaluation forms for many support staff are included in the online NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES). These positions include:
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Media Coordinator
School Counselor
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
Career Development Coordinator (CDC)
Teacher Leadership Specialist (Academic Coaches)
The following ABSS staff members still serve as the primary evaluator for the support staff listed above:
Role | Primary Evaluator |
School Psychologist | Michael Thomas |
EC Based Social Workers (Pre-K) | Kara Ballard |
Speech-Language Pathologist | Principals in collaboration with Stefanie Nance |
Occupational Therapist | Caroline Norman |
Physical Therapist | Kenneth Gasaway |
School Nurse | Amy Widderich in collaboration with principals |